Monday, October 24, 2011

Of Mice and Pirates

There is three things you need to know about today's post:
1- We just celebrated our third anniversary, and my Lord-and-Master bestowed me with my first ever graphic tablet. I'm working on getting to know her (I named her Tabby), and it's still a bit awkward, as first encounters often are, but she's a keeper.
2- I went to RenFest on pirate day, a couple of weeks back, and discovered the Jolly Rogers, masters of piratish singing and classy humor. (Or not.)
3- Because (or 'thanks to') Penelope, I'm obsessed with mice.

And here is the result:

(click the image to make it bigger)

Posing for the illustrator, are Bart-who-thinks-he's-a-bad-ass, Carlos-the-crab-who-knows-better and the Sassy Sally. (My naming prowess knows no bounds.)


  1. I LOLed at your naming prowess. Good God, our English is way better than mine. Should have married an American too, serves me right! ;)

  2. Eve, you have done it again! I love your MICE! They are wonderful. I love that you did these on the new tablet. Wow! Happy Anniversary!


  3. @Cha: I'll tell Ed you said that! ;)

    @Kristi: Thank you - though I only colored them with Tabby. I am not that proficient yet. (Soon!)

  4. The picture is just brilliant. And fun. You make me want to draw again! But where did I put my pencils . . . ah yes. They are in the kids' coloring box on the kitchen table, next to the Play-doh and my last drops of sanity. . .

    Glad you're aboard the Rabbit's ship!
