Monday, October 24, 2011

Of Mice and Pirates

There is three things you need to know about today's post:
1- We just celebrated our third anniversary, and my Lord-and-Master bestowed me with my first ever graphic tablet. I'm working on getting to know her (I named her Tabby), and it's still a bit awkward, as first encounters often are, but she's a keeper.
2- I went to RenFest on pirate day, a couple of weeks back, and discovered the Jolly Rogers, masters of piratish singing and classy humor. (Or not.)
3- Because (or 'thanks to') Penelope, I'm obsessed with mice.

And here is the result:

(click the image to make it bigger)

Posing for the illustrator, are Bart-who-thinks-he's-a-bad-ass, Carlos-the-crab-who-knows-better and the Sassy Sally. (My naming prowess knows no bounds.)

Monday, October 17, 2011

What I'm working on right now:

Character design for the book Princess Penelope and the Pickle Festival by the talented Kristi Bernard, to be published at the beginning of 2012.

The story is adorable, and I hope to do it justice!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Blog! New Pastels! It's the Day of Newness!

That's the part where I should introduce myself (Eve, bonjour, nice to meet you!), my hobbies (Drawing, reading and attempting to sew), my job experience (Mostly in logo design and advertisement, though I am working on a children's book right now.), in a professional and grammatically correct way.

Oh, well, so much for that.

I'll leave the writing to people who can and concentrate on the drawing. As it is, I am proud enough to have managed to set that blog up. It only took me... weeks. Weeks of deciding that other things were more urgent than trying to figure out what to say in the first post, mostly.

So now I'm band-aiding it. I heard it got easier after that.